'Seven In Heaven'

I wrote the words to this song as I thought about my friends. We call ourselves: the Emily Mac gang—seven of us that, along with many others, went to the aforementioned design college (now part of RMIT), in the ‘70s and we have many photos to prove our journey! We have stayed friends ever since.
It's a heart-breaking truth that in life there is death. This year has been a hard one for us. We’ve lost one of our precious gang to cancer and another has a tumour on the brain. It’s shocking that we will never again be together as seven friends on this earth. My prayer is that, God willing, we will be together again, one day in heaven.

Precious friends. The last time we were together on this earth, 2018.
As I investigated the number 7, I was excited to find that it is the biblical number for perfection and completion. The words in the song include the words 'perfected in Heaven'. Pretty wonderful that we’ve stayed friends for so long, even though we are all very different. Our men have stuck by us too. Today, some of us are grandmothers and some live a long way away, but one day…
I wrote the words as a poem, then put it into song form (see below for the words). Nathan Plumridge, a gifted Geelong-based Christian singer/song writer, wrote and sings the melody, with Casii Williams a beautiful indigenous girl from Alice Springs doing the backing vocals with my son in law, Dave Crowe Music who did a fantastic job of the production. Listen to us and the story behind the song 10.30 a.m. on 96three.com.au Thursday 10th November 2022 or later on their Soundcloud link https://soundcloud.com/96threefm.
All proceeds earned by Empowered Music will be directed towards trying to find an answer to indigenous suicide by supporting the charity the National Suicide Prevention And Trauma Recovery Project (NSPTRP). If you download this song, available right now from Bandcamp* you can donate any amount you would like or pay the one-dollar standard fee with up to 90% going to the artists (in this case the charity) as compared with 5-17% from other platforms such as Spotify and Apple Music.

Peta and Nathan in Geelong, having just met in the flesh!

Casii in Dave's studio, Alice Springs, NT.

Dave in his studio, Alice Springs, NT
It’s been a painful journey but a cathartic process for me. This is my gift to the six other girls, one of them who is already, I believe, gone to wait for us in Heaven.
God does amazing things as we are obedient to Him. Thank You God, for leading me on such a surprising and amazing song writing journey and bringing all the people needed to get the job done!
Many thanks to some of the Williamstown Jellies for the dawn Bay shoot and to Jess Marnich for the awesome cover photo, Dave Crowe for amazing production and to the beautiful Indigenous girl Casii for her female backing. Thanks must go, of course, to Nathan, who, not knowing me from a bar of soap, agreed to the project as the words resonated with him and to my faithful prayer team who helped get everything across the line praying in the background. It really does take a village!
You may not have friends or family over whom you are grieving, but you have probably suffered loss in some way. Loss of a dream, of a marriage or a relationship or something else that has caused you grief. There will be grief in this life, no matter what your loss. I am very sorry for your loss. Know however, what the word seven in this song can mean for you, the restoration of your hope one day, perfected and complete. And that’s how you and I will be in Heaven, if you know Jesus as your Saviour.
Getting to Heaven is not about being a good person. The Bible tells us that even our best actions do not come close to His goodness and purity.
‘For we have all become like one who is unclean [ceremonially, like a leper], and all our righteousness (our best deeds of rightness and justice) is like filthy rags or a polluted garment; we all fade like a leaf, and our iniquities, like the wind, take us away [far from God’s favour, hurrying us toward destruction].’ Isaiah 64:6 AMPC
Getting into Heaven is actually much easier than one might think however, because it's not about keeping to a set of unreachable standards. Instead, it’s about faith and is just a prayer away. If you don’t know Him and you want to know the Giver of life and answer to all things, then just pray this prayer:
'Father God, I recognise that at times I've messed up but you love me just as I am. I would like to know You so I accept Your Son Jesus, as my Saviour. I believe He died for me and rose again and is in Heaven with You. One day I will be there too. Help me to follow You.
Thank You in Jesus name, Amen.'
If you prayed that prayer, please let me know and find a Bible believing church that will care for you. Feel free to contact me if you would like help with this.
My heart and I know God's too, is with you, as you process your grief and loss.
I would love you to purchase the song and spread the word.
You and I can, make a difference whilst still on this earth.
Seven In Heaven words:
Written by: Peta Elizabeth Mary Soorkia, Nathan Plumridge
One day we all will be
Perfected forever
Someday each one of us
I’m talking ‘bout heaven
We’ll forget the tears we cried
Our Saviour is the hope of life
You left too soon
As the sun filled your room
But it won’t be long
Till we’re back together
Time won’t end
We’ll live again
Better than ever
Seven in Heaven
One day we’ll sing a song
A refrain of forever
Someday each one of us
I’m talking ‘bout Heaven
We’ll forget the tears we cried
Our Saviour is the hope of life
There won’t be any more tears
With our Saviour
There won’t be any more fears
With our Redeemer
Love and Blessings
Listen to more-96three FM, 10.30 am Thursdays.
96three.com https://bit.ly/3i1AOFm
Or Vision radio 20twenty with Neil Johnson
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Beautiful song, brought tears. Well done to all of you involved creating this song.